Thursday, August 11, 2011

If Bush can lie about weapons of m destruction, then why can't Obama lie about his citizenship status?

because our nation used to be about integrity and honor, now it is about someone having the right to lie and then put it off on someone else. i mean since when does our nation allow our presidents lie to us regardless of color and when Bush done it we wanted to hang him, there were signs with Bush in a noose, with him being shot and not a word was said by anyone, yet today if you see someone holding up the same sign for Obama, then those same people who done it to bush want the person doing it to Obama to be labeled a Terrorist or Racist. and that is what is sad, because we used to stand for what is right in this country now we stand for what is popular, we have become a nation of cowards and our only bright spot is our men and women in uniform. when will the Double standards in this nation stop and people start doing to Obama what they done to bush because at the end of the day both men have done the same thing, yet one is demonized and the other loved. makes no sense.!

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